wound management


In order for the diamond shaped wound to heal without reattachment it must be opened and stretched every 4-6 hours throughout the day and at least once during the night for both the lip and tongue. The healing process takes months and exercises will be modified to each child’s needs at follow up appointments.

lip stretch.jpg


Coming from behind the baby’s head, place both fingers under the lip and lift, covering the nose. The diamond shaped wound should be fully visible. Hold the lip up for 2-3 seconds and repeat. This should be done every 4-6 hours including at least once at night time for at least 2 weeks.



Coming from behind baby’s head, place both (or single) index finger under the tongue. With your finger at the top (tongue side) of the diamond, push the tongue back until you can see the entire diamond shaped wound. Hold for 2-3 seconds and then repeat once. Then give a firm but gentle sweep of the wound from bottom of the mouth to the tip of the tongue. This should be done every 4-6 hours including at least once at night time for at least 2-4 weeks depending on healing.

What NOT to do!

Do NOT place fingers far apart! This will cause the wound to heal wider and shorter. Make sure the index fingers are placed close together at the tip of the diamond. Make sure to push the tongue back until you are able to fully see the whole diamond shape. If the whole diamond is not visible, there will be reattachment.


It’s not infected!

The natural process of healing by secondary intention creates a white to yellow “scab” over the wound. This is not an infection.